Fergus will look at a range of pruning tasks in this first presentation on pruning. He assess how to understand the age and vigour of the wood, look at rejuvenating, Hydrangeas, Wisteria, Spirea, Viburnum opulus, some Bamboos, Roses, figs are a few of the plants which will be covered. Pruning (part one) will cover pruning shrubs which flower on old wood such as Philadelphus, Hydrangeas, some Spirea, Rambling and species roses, Deutzia, Ligustrum, Climbing Jasmine, Cotinus for smoke. Plants which flower on new wood such as Buddleia, Hybrid T roses, Clerodendron, and Spirea japonica cvs will also be covered. Fergus will also include pruning for foliage such as Paulownia, Catalpa, Cotinus, Populus.