The session will be run via zoom by Nigel Philips FSGD and is aimed at those wanting to submit for adjudication.
Target audience: To all seeking to become Registered Members of SGD.
Items to bring: Drawings and photographs from your projects; please note the host will not have time to advise on written documents.
Cost: FREE for Pre-Registered Members but places must be booked in advance. £50 for Student or Friend Members.
Booking: Please call the SGD office on 0115 9683188 to book a place or email
The session will run from 10.00am - 1.00pm with a maximum of 6 attendees.
Adjudication advice sessions are design workshops where you can get a brief overview of the quality of your work and tips on how to develop it to adjudication standard. Sessions are purely advisory and comprise a general discussion on adjudication and what the SGD looks for in submitted work, followed by a review of the work you have brought in an open forum. Attending an Adjudication advice session is not compulsory but is very strongly recommended.