Title: Learn how to Design a Landscape Lighting System Like a Pro
Host: Mark Packham from Garden Spark
Date: Monday 12th December 2022
Time: 10.00am - 1:15pm
This event will be held via Zoom.
Come on a journey with Mark Packham from Garden Spark as he shines a light on how to plan, position and protect the kind of garden lighting systems your clients are considering.
Learn how to talk the talk as we demystify some of the slang, jargon and technical terms used in the industry.
The initial garden lighting 101 will be followed by a walk-through of 3 different styles of gardens as we discuss the cabling, the transformers, the drivers, the lamps, the light fittings, and the protective devices in place to keep everyone safe.
This digital CPD will be a genuine opportunity to learn about garden lighting. Wholly independent and unhindered by conflicts of interest, you will have the chance to ask any question you like about garden lighting and have it answered by someone who designs and installs it daily.
We are sure that by the end of the session, you will have knowledge that will save you money, save you time, enhance your reputation and leave your clients feeling looked after and happy.
Target audience: Garden Designers faced with clients that ask, “what about the lighting?”